
Showing posts from June, 2012

Internet Versus Books

Book reading culture among the students got a great challenge of the Internet culture. Consider some of the habits and preferences of students everyday around us. They spend too much time to dwell on social networks like twitter, facebook, netlog, and so forth. Indeed, to make interaction with the social networking site need not bother. There have been many cultures endorse a handheld mobile internet to connect them with social networks and other access. On the other hand, as they have more students reading textbooks and books of other science-related subjects at school. Thus they will be able to master the subject material well so as to obtain a satisfactory value. Reading books is very important for students to master the subject matter in school. Internet is also important for students to enrich their knowledge and learning experience.

You Can Forget How to Write by Hand

If you remember the last hand writing, you're not alone. Research shows the use of pen and paper are now increasingly rare. The average adult has never written anything with his hands about six weeks. The era of the use of keyboard and smartphone shifting the traditional way of writing. Writing using inefficient paper because of the need to re-type. Research that was held this Docmail service online records show the average time an adult to write by hand only 41 days a year. However, the study also found one in three adults do not have any reason to write neatly by hand for more than six months. As many as two thirds of the 2,000 respondents said that if they write by hand, usually just for a reminder or note. Desultory writings are usually only for their own look. More than half of respondents admit their handwriting skills are now declining. One in seven said they were embarrassed to see the quality of his handwriting. In fact, four out of 10 rely on the tex...

Moody’s Cuts Credit Ratings of 15 Big Banks

Updated The credit ratings of 15 major banks were slashed on Thursday, the latest setback for an industry that is already grappling with global economic turmoil and weak profits. The decision by Moody’s Investors Service to cut banks’ credit scores to new lows could further damage their bottom lines and unsettle markets even more. Citigroup and Bank of America, which have struggled to fully recover from the financial crisis, were among the hardest hit. After two-notch downgrades, their credit ratings now stand just two levels above junk, a sign of the difficult business conditions they face. “The risks of this industry became apparent in the financial crisis,” said Robert Young, a managing director at Moody’s. “These new ratings capture those risks.” The cuts reflect the changing nature of the banking industry. Banks have struggled to improve their profits against the backdrop of the European sovereign debt crisis, a weak American economy and new regulations. T...

Dangers of Social Networking

Dangers of social networking is not just occur when someone writes a status inappropriate but also friendships online can be a boomerang for those who are not careful. As cases of abduction and molestation. Even a neighbor, cancel the wedding because the candidate forged his status on social networking. Now many of the kidnappers who make social networking as a medium for potential prey, searching through the photos displayed social networking users. So that it adds to a series of crimes committed with the use of social networking media. Digital space is a medium that brings between the private and public spaces. Merged into one, other than as a private space as well as he is also a public space. What we wacanakan and present in a private room will also be consumed by people in public spaces. Emerge some cases the spread of several collections of personal photos into the public space is a consequence of the amalgamation of private space with public space in the digital world....

Teknologi Hybrid Berperan Besar Turunkan Polusi Udara

Polusi udara bukan lagi bentuk pencemaran lingkungan. Tapi sudah berubah sosok menjadi pembunuh menakutkan bagi warga dunia. Data Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyebut lebih dari dua juta orang meninggal karena menghirup udara dengan partikel kecil, baik di dalam atau luar ruangan. Produsen otomotif mencoba mengatasi masalah polusi dengan menghasilkan produk ramah lingkungan dalam wujud teknologi hybrid. PM10 atau partikel berukuran 10 mikrometer atau kurang, bisa memasuki paru-paru manusia dan masuk ke aliran darah. Inilah yang jadi penyebab penyakit jantung, kanker paru-paru, asma, dan infeksi pernafasan akut. Standar udara sehat rata-rata per tahun versi WHO adalah 20 mikrogram PM10 per meter kubik. Namun, data terakhir di tahun 2008 dari 1.100 kota di 91 negara memperlihatkan betapa standar ini sangat jauh dilewati. Indonesia tercatat memiliki rata-rata 55 mikrogram per meter kubik PM10. Memang masih jauh di bawah India (109) dan Kuwait (123), namun kondisi ini...

Logo Youtube dengan Wayang dan Tugu Monas

Sayangnya, logo ini hanya digunakan sementara selama launching. Selepas itu akan digunakan logo Youtube pada umumnya. Selama sepuluh abad, wayang jadi ekspresi budaya Indonesia. Pentas boneka ini menyebar dari lingkungan kerajaan dan masyarakat Jawa-Bali hingga ke Lombok, Sumatra, dan Kalimantan. Di lingkungan yang berbeda, wayang berubah varian sesuai dengan budaya sekitar yang diserapnya. Kuatnya akar wayang di Indonesia, membuat Badan PBB untuk Pendidikan, Keilmuan, dan Kebudayaan (UNESCO) menobatkannya sebagai warisan budaya dunia di tahun 2003. Lain lagi dengan Tugu Monumen Nasional atau akrab disebut Monas. Bangunan simbol utama Jakarta ini diarsiteki Soedarsono dan Frederich Silaban dengan bantuan konsultan dari Ir.Rooseno. Dengan tinggi keseluruhan 132 meter dan dilapisi emas seberat 35 kilogram, Monas mulai dibangun Agustus 1959. Namun, baru dibuka untuk umum pada 12 Juli 1975 di atas areal seluas 80 hektar. Warga asing yang datang ke Indonesia kurang len...

The Future Of Urban Development

Green building is becoming so prevalent these days that it may not be enough to erect individual eco buildings anymore - the newest trend is entire eco-cities. Expected to be up and running in 2020, Tianjin Eco-City is one of these real-life sustainable communities, spanning 30 square kilometers and showcasing the hottest energy-saving technologies. Designed by Surbana Urban Planning Group, the city will have an advanced light rail transit system and varied eco-landscapes ranging from a sun-powered solarscape to a greenery-clad earthscape for its estimated 350,000 residents to enjoy. Tianjin Eco-City is a fascinating, 30 square kilometer development designed to showcase the hottest new green technologies and to serve as a model for future developing Chinese cities. Designed by Surbana Urban Planning Group, the city is being built just 10 minutes away from the business parks at the Tianjin Economic-Development Area, making for a commute that should be a breeze with the developm...

Negrei 1001 Investasi

Pagi ini dapat e-mail dari salah satu staf IDX yang isinya menginformasikan pameran investasi syariah; Pameran investasi syariah di pasar modal akan memberikan anda wawasan baru berinvestasi. Dapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai manfaat, keuntungan dan cara berinvestasi dengan sistem syariah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Pastikan anda tidak melewatkan untuk hadir di pameran ini yang akan di selenggarakan; Hari / Tanggal  :  Selasa-Rabu, 19-20 Juni 2012 Tempat            :  Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta                           Flores Promenade & Banda B Room                           Lobby Level, Hotel Borobudur Jakarta                          Jl. Lapangan Banteng Selatan, Jakarta 10710 Waktu           ...

Recognise Potential of Renewable Energy

The leading candidates are solar and wind energy, but both have problems beyond significant investment costs and the fact that they have yet to generate power at competitive rates with more traditional power sources such as oil, coal and natural gas. Beyond issues of power storage, a further concern is the fickle nature of their sources – the sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind is hardly a constant factor. So, among renewable, which potential power source is so reliable that admiralties have been publishing detailed charts of its progressions for more than two centuries? Tides are generated by the gravitational forces of the moon. Should these be disrupted, then investors, power companies and governments will likely have more immediate concerns than the quarterly bottom line. Similar to solar power, currently battling between photovoltaic power and parabolic mirror steam-generated turbine driven systems, no industry-wide standard for tidal power has yet emerged, bu...

Easy Make Decisions

We make decisions every day; everything we say and do is the result of a decision, whether we make it consciously or not. For every choice, big or small, there's no easy formula for making the right decision. The best you can do is to approach it from as many perspectives as possible and then choose a course of action that seems reasonable and balanced at that time. Decision making is an essential leadership skill. If you can learn how to make timely, well-considered decisions, then you can lead your team to well-deserved success. If, however, you make poor decisions, your time as a leader will be brutally short. Understanding how people arrive at their choices is an area of cognitive psychology that has received attention. Theories have been generated to explain how people make decisions, and what types of factors influence decision making in the present and future. In addition, heuristics have been researched to understand the decision making process. Several fact...